interface OrderOptions {
orderItemsLimit?: number;
orderLineItemsLimit?: number;
orderItemPriceCalculationStrategy?: OrderItemPriceCalculationStrategy;
process?: Array<OrderProcess<any>>;
stockAllocationStrategy?: StockAllocationStrategy;
mergeStrategy?: OrderMergeStrategy;
checkoutMergeStrategy?: OrderMergeStrategy;
orderCodeStrategy?: OrderCodeStrategy;
orderByCodeAccessStrategy?: OrderByCodeAccessStrategy;
changedPriceHandlingStrategy?: ChangedPriceHandlingStrategy;
orderPlacedStrategy?: OrderPlacedStrategy;
activeOrderStrategy?: ActiveOrderStrategy<any> | Array<ActiveOrderStrategy<any>>;
orderSellerStrategy?: OrderSellerStrategy;
guestCheckoutStrategy?: GuestCheckoutStrategy;
The maximum number of individual items allowed in a single order. This option exists to prevent excessive resource usage when dealing with very large orders. For example, if an order contains a million items, then any operations on that order (modifying a quantity, adding or removing an item) will require Vendure to loop through all million items to perform price calculations against active promotions and taxes. This can have a significant performance impact for very large values.
Attempting to exceed this limit will cause Vendure to throw a OrderLimitError
The maximum number of items allowed per order line. This option is an addition
on the orderItemsLimit
for more granular control. Note orderItemsLimit
is still
important in order to prevent excessive resource usage.
Attempting to exceed this limit will cause Vendure to throw a OrderLimitError`.
Defines the logic used to calculate the unit price of an OrderLine when adding an item to an Order.
Allows the definition of custom states and transition logic for the order process state machine. Takes an array of objects implementing the OrderProcess interface.
Determines the point of the order process at which stock gets allocated.
Defines the strategy used to merge a guest Order and an existing Order when signing in.
Defines the strategy used to merge a guest Order and an existing Order when signing in as part of the checkout flow.
Allows a user-defined function to create Order codes. This can be useful when integrating with existing systems. By default, Vendure will generate a 16-character alphanumeric string.
Note: when using a custom function for Order codes, bear in mind the database limit for string types (e.g. 255 chars for a varchar field in MySQL), and also the need for codes to be unique.
Defines the strategy used to check if and how an Order may be retrieved via the orderByCode query.
The default strategy permits permanent access to the Customer owning the Order and anyone within 2 hours after placing the Order.
Defines how we handle the situation where an item exists in an Order, and then later on another is added but in the meantime the price of the ProductVariant has changed.
By default, the latest price will be used. Any price changes resulting from using a newer price
will be reflected in the GraphQL OrderLine.unitPrice[WithTax]ChangeSinceAdded
Defines the point of the order process at which the Order is set as "placed".
ActiveOrderStrategy<any> | Array<ActiveOrderStrategy<any>>
Defines the strategy used to determine the active Order when interacting with Shop API operations
such as activeOrder
and addItemToOrder
. By default, the strategy uses the active Session.
Note that if multiple strategies are defined, they will be checked in order and the first one that returns an Order will be used.
Defines how Orders will be split amongst multiple Channels in a multivendor scenario.
Defines how we deal with guest checkouts.